Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CF BUG 80577 : Deleted Probes are still alive !!!!!

A friend showed me this today: http://cfbugs.adobe.com/cfbugreport/flexbugui/cfbugtracker/main.html#bugId=80577

It was reported for CF9, but applies to CF8 too.

And it just happened to us.  We moved our probes from server X to server Y... however, a week later we discover our exception log shows "probe not found" all over...   in deed, the probes are still trying to run even after you deleted them from CF Admin.

So, bug isn't fixed yet... here's the workaround:

Renaming a probe (via the CFADMIN), creates a new probe and leaves the old one orphaned.  You will then get exceptions each time the old probe runs (according to its own schedule), e.g. "Error","jrpp-5","10/29/09","19:38:00",,"Probe not found: ""sk: homepage"" The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\CFIDE\probe.cfm, line: 85 "
Workaroundmanually modify neo-cron.xml to remove the old entry, and restart CF 

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